Principal celebrations

The caribbean region is one of the most  party lovers regions in the country, the principal celebration is the Barranquilla's carnival, it is celebrated before of the start of the lent. This carnival is the happiest and important in Colombia and it's very famous in the world, the carnival is a good option for the tourists that want pass a nice and crazy week.

The Barranquilla's carnivals is a event for stand out the "Costeña" culture, recreating some of the most legends and myths of the region.

Other typical celebration in the Caribbean region is vallenata legend international fest, it's celebrated in the last week of April in Valledupar and it's considered national patrimony, for remember all the myths and legends of the region's folklore.

Sea's parties are other festivities in the caribbean region, they are a little different because the activities are dedicated to aquatic extreme sports like the skiing, surf, jump ramp and all this kind of sports for the people that love the adrenaline.


Wayuu's Culture Fest

The Wayuu culture fest is the most important event in the Guajira department for the native people in the region, it start in may and each tribe show their handicrafts like backpacks, typical clothes and necklaces.

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